Sunday 20 November 2016

Production Log - 20/11/16

For this filming session on Sunday, we travelled to Box Hill by car to gather the shots we needed in this location. We took the equipment and props needed of the tripod, DSLR camera, fig-rig, an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar and an amp.

We gathered the majority of the shots we wanted such as the shots of Chris lip syncing as well as over the shoulder shots of him, some shots of all 3 of us standing overlooking Box Hill using the tripod and the shots of us lip syncing and playing instruments with a pan around using the fig-rig in the wooded area. The shots which included all 3 of us were filmed by Alex. The location was quite busy at this time of day, and this specific spot that we wanted to film at had a lot of people wanting to see and take pictures of the view. As the shot of three of us was a long shot and allowed a lot of the environment to be visible, we had to wait a while until the area was completely clear so that we could get the shot. We tried to film quickly with minimal takes in order to not inconvenience members of the public.

We filmed for slightly over an hour, however we didn't get to film some of the shots we had planned to such as some of the instrument and car shots as it started to get dark and the lighting was not good enough to create our desired shots as we didn't have the LED, thus we will still have to film these at a later date.

Production Log - 18/11/16

On this filming session we travelled to Raynes Park Station from Glenthorne by walking and brought the DSLR camera, tripod and fig-rig with us.

We were at Raynes Park for a bit over an hour and we gathered shots from the two tunnels as shown in the pictures below. All of these shots were filmed using the fig-rig and were either taken by myself or Michael as Chris was our only performer in all of these shots. During filming these shots, we had to take into account the members of the public walking into the shot. This was something we had not given much thought to previously as we thought it wouldn't be as busy. Because of this, we tried to film at specific points where the amount of other people in the shot was minimal.

Also on the date, we got some of the shots from within the car as planned. We used some footage from an hours worth of driving in order to get the best shots possible. 

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Production Log - 31/09/16

On this date we filmed at Morden Park. These shots were all of the main performer Chris, with Michael and myself using the DSLR camera, tripod, fig-rig and LED to create our desired shots. We always keep our animatic on hand to refer back to whenever we film in order to generate all of the shots we need.